Monday, February 9, 2009

A Beautiful Day

We've had a huge thaw over the weekend. The snow actually melted in front of our eyes! My husband and I spent most of Saturday picking up sticks and debris in the yard. We had done our fall clean up but we had a big wind one day and a large snow fall right after so we weren't able to clean up the last of the fall sticks and leaves that landed in our yard from the wind. I know there is green grass!!!! It's been nice to actually see it peek out from under this snow.

I've been getting a ton of flower and seed catalogs this year. Many more than I have ever received before! I enjoy looking at them at this time of year because I know spring will eventually come. Having a break in the temperature really helps the soul. Nice warm breezes (high 40's and 50's HAHA) give me a rejuveniated feel that I need during January and February.

Our dogs are absolutely loving this weather also. They have been harassing the squirrels and watching all the birds fly. I think they get the winter blahs too. This afternoon I am taking them for a nice walk around the neighborhood. I'm sure they will enjoy it very much.

Yesterday my husband and I gave them a nice bath since it warmed up a bit. Gretchen has Baby Powder puppy shampoo and Sadie and Vanilla scent. you believe that? It's like the pet companies know I am a sucker for nice smelling shampoo. They just loved their baths and they ran around the house like crazy girls rolling and rubbing. After they played a bit they were pretty well dry so we snuggled them up in their favorite fleece blankets for a long after noon nap.


Heather said...

I can't wait for you to start getting those flowers in too! It is one of the best memories I have... you ordering seeds out of the cat. and me helping you plant them! I cant wait to see what you get!

Dana Yoshimizu said...

Your dogs are so beautiful